Monthly Archives: June 2024

Reflecting On J-Drama: Why Didn’t I Tell You a Million Times

If you’re at all familiar with my interests then you may know I am a big fan of mystery, romance and crime dramas. This is a collection of things that often go underserved in the mediums I like, so I’m always happy to discover something that manages to incorporate all three of these things and prove interesting. While I often watch romance dramas or adaptations of manga I already like, I picked up Why Didn’t I Tell You a Million Times on a whim and I’m really glad I did.

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Reading Log: May 2024

Already time for the May reading log. The more the months go by the more I don’t see the backlog ever going down, so I’ve somewhat stopped worrying about it. My Anime-Planet did pass 1,000 manga / LNs marked ‘reading’ so now I’m trying to put my efforts into finishing stuff off and getting that down. It’s fairly motivating to watch until it goes up several times more when new serialisations start. Anyway here’s what I’ve been reading:

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