Tag Archives: Reading Log

Reading Log: June 2024

If like me you have no idea where June went, don’t worry you aren’t alone. One minute I was dreading the start of the warmer portion of the year and the next I was staring Summer straight in the face. And because all this time passed in the blink of an eye I haven’t actually gotten much of use done in terms of bringing down the backlog… Let’s see what I have been reading!

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Reading Log: May 2024

Already time for the May reading log. The more the months go by the more I don’t see the backlog ever going down, so I’ve somewhat stopped worrying about it. My Anime-Planet did pass 1,000 manga / LNs marked ‘reading’ so now I’m trying to put my efforts into finishing stuff off and getting that down. It’s fairly motivating to watch until it goes up several times more when new serialisations start. Anyway here’s what I’ve been reading:

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Reading Log: October 2023

Spooky season is here, well, at least at the time of writing. Perhaps not by the time you read this! I spent a lot of time either under the weather or busy this month so I can’t imagine I’ve read that much compared to usual, but let’s take a look.

Also as of this update, I’ve decided to scrap writing out Japanese titles in romaji and instead just putting them in kanji so they’re more easily searchable for those interested!

Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped

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Reading Log: August 2023

August is that killer time of year where work is insane, it’s too hot to think and nothing gets done. Well, actually this year the weather has been pretty mild but work has still been crazy and very little has been getting done in my spare time. Still, let’s see what I have read!

Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped

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