Tag Archives: Light Novels

Reading Log: May 2024

Already time for the May reading log. The more the months go by the more I don’t see the backlog ever going down, so I’ve somewhat stopped worrying about it. My Anime-Planet did pass 1,000 manga / LNs marked ‘reading’ so now I’m trying to put my efforts into finishing stuff off and getting that down. It’s fairly motivating to watch until it goes up several times more when new serialisations start. Anyway here’s what I’ve been reading:

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Reading Log: November 2023

Christmas looms and it has already snowed before we even hit December 1st. The year has rapidly run away, not helped by this month being busy with Scotland Love’s Anime and then being ill two weeks before and after. Still, I got some reading done so let’s see what I’ve been up to this month!

As a reminder I’ve scrapped writing out Japanese titles in romaji and am instead just including the kanji to aid in searchability. Likewise, if a title has been released in both Japanese and English, I’m including the English even if I read it in JP just to help with people being able to recognise them.

Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped

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