Author Archives: Demelza Ward

Reading Log: January 2025

It’s the first reading log of 2025! This year I am determined to make a proper dent in the backlog, which to be fair I say every year but maybe this time I’ll make it work. I’m also going to start keeping track of how much I buy / read in English vs Japanese, mostly out of curiosity (ha) and because a friend of mine suggested keeping track. Let’s check out what I’ve been reading this month!

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A Language Learning Reflection

In March of 2018 (almost seven years ago!), I decided to start learning Japanese. At the time, I was growing increasingly annoyed about the lack of availability of manga I wanted to read and the quality of translation when they did get picked up. So, spurred on by a friend who already knew the language, I found myself wanting to learn for what seemed like such a frivolous reason.

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Reading Log: December 2024

It’s the final reading log of the year! Honestly, I’m still not entirely sure where 2024 even went. It feels like it should be June or July, not New Year’s Eve. Recently, we wrote the Anime UK News yearly review, and I struggled to figure out what I cared about. I finished a number of series I valued, but some of the heavy hitters like Yozakura Family have stretched into next year while others (Smartphone) just stubbornly cling to life. My Hero Academia ending almost came as a relief, although looking back now I’ve become so much fonder of it. I did also finally find it within me to finish Unnamed Memory, which I loved and which I hope the sequel for gets licensed in 2025. Please, publishers.

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Reading Log: October 2024

October reading log time! Lacking a good opener this time, not a lot of note has been happening beyond trying to catch up on various things I fell behind on in the Summer. I guess I’m currently obsessing about the Usotoki Rhetoric drama (please someone license it so I can force all my friends to watch it lol). Let’s take a look at what I’ve been reading!

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