It’s almost Christmas! This hell of a year is finally winding down, hopefully leading to better things next time around. I don’t think I read quite as much in November as I did October, but time to find out for sure…

It’s almost Christmas! This hell of a year is finally winding down, hopefully leading to better things next time around. I don’t think I read quite as much in November as I did October, but time to find out for sure…
Only two months of the year left, boy that flew by. This month I feel like I accomplished a lot by finally getting through the rest of my Bakuman re-read! Here’s what else I’ve been reading this month:
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
So somehow I read 65 manga and 25 light novels compared to 38/18 last month, but I guess reading so much Bakuman will do that to a person! Meanwhile the pile of shame continues to look particularly unhealthy as I add to it faster than I read anything out of it (you’d think writing these posts every month would actually do something for me eventually)…
Now we’re headed into October the weather is starting to be colder, which is the perfect time to sit around and binge books! The amount of books in my pile of shame is steadily growing, but I’m hoping I’ve made some progress in keeping them under control.
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
So quite a few completed series this month (which is especially nice when it comes to LNs since it feels like so many simply never end). Numbers are down a bit from August being 38 and 18 vs 59/20, but I am pleased I didn’t fall too far behind in my LN reading. Heck if you count Katanagatari as 3 books I actually accomplished more than usual. ^^;
Here’s the backlog atm, looking pretty busy since I bought a number of books off a friend of mine. Hahaha…ha.
Currently reading: Combatants Will Be Dispatched! volume 4 (LN)
August has been a busy month as I finally returned to work properly and therefore had more money to irresponsibly spend on new books… Let’s see what I got through this month!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
So 59 manga and 20 light novels this month, up from 48/18. Doing well to combat the backlog despite the amount I’ve been picking up!
Speaking of the backlog, here’s how things are looking this month…
(I dug the Bakuman boxset back out so I could finish my reread, also not pictured is a volume of A Sister’s All You Need, Torture Princess and The Eminence in Shadow which I’m reading)
July was another continuation of the war of light novels and actually I finally cleared off the backlog of 2019!* Now let’s see what all I read this month.
*(In light novel form, still some manga boxsets to be read…).
So for the month of July I managed 48 manga and 18 light novels, which are both improvements on last month (43/13). It’s a good job my pile of shame from 2019 mostly went away since now I’ve started back at work and have more disposable income I’m busy building myself a new pile…
For the month of June I continued to wage war on the backlog of light novels! Let’s find out how I did…
So this month I managed 43 manga and 13 light novels, compared to 46 and 25 last month. I guess I slacked on light novels toward the end of the month, but hey I made good progress! Piles of shame:
Another month, another look at what I’ve been reading over the last four weeks. Been a semi-productive one I feel.
So this month I’ve read 65 manga and 6 light novels. Not entirely sure how this happened and honestly I’m disappointed in myself for not reading more light novels… (last month was 60 manga, 23 light novels).
Pile of shame time:
Man the world has changed a lot over the course of a month. Now we’re in lockdown because of the Coronavirus. I hope by the time we get to the April entry things will have started improving. :/ Anyways here’s what I’ve been reading this month:
60 manga 23 light novels. Quite a big difference compared to the 28 manga and 17 light novels last month. It’s not even because I’ve been stuck inside, Futekiya just had a lot of titles this month.
Pile of shame photo time:
The one on the bottom left in the first picture in Suppose a Kid (…) light novel Volume 1, I was just too last to dig out the pile and turn it around. It was my birthday in March so that’s my excuse for the piles growing. 😛
The second reading log of the year is here. In February I made a decision to try and pour time into getting through some of the pile of shame given this month was quiet for releases. Let’s see how I’ve done…
Well while I said I was making an effort to get through my backlog the numbers are somehow lower than last month. 28 manga and 17 LN’s compared to 37 and 15. I guess being ill for a bit and moderately busy in Feb screwed up my grand plans.
Here’s how the piles look:
Hopefully next month I make more progress than this….
After successfully sticking to my reading logs last year, I figured I’d continue into 2020. Time to find out what I’ve read in the first month of a new decade! Here’s what I’ve been reading and here are the rules I set for myself when recording this log.
Total: 37 manga, 15 light novels. About the same amount of light novels as December (14 then), but less manga (44 compared to 37). This month my ‘to buy’ list is significantly quieter than usual, so I’m hoping to use this free time to bring the pile of shame down a bit. ^^;
Speaking of here’s how the piles are looking….
I recently rearranged it a little to try and get some of the shorter reads out the way. I’ve already read 2 this month, so I’m hoping I can keep knocking them down!