In March of 2018 (almost seven years ago!), I decided to start learning Japanese. At the time, I was growing increasingly annoyed about the lack of availability of manga I wanted to read and the quality of translation when they did get picked up. So, spurred on by a friend who already knew the language, I found myself wanting to learn for what seemed like such a frivolous reason.
If you’re at all familiar with my interests then you may know I am a big fan of mystery, romance and crime dramas. This is a collection of things that often go underserved in the mediums I like, so I’m always happy to discover something that manages to incorporate all three of these things and prove interesting. While I often watch romance dramas or adaptations of manga I already like, I picked up Why Didn’t I Tell You a Million Times on a whim and I’m really glad I did.
I open this post with a warning that there are spoilers for A Sister’s All You Need Volume 11 as well as more minor spoilers for Animeta and Pet Girl of Sakurasou in here so if you’re invested in any of these then I’d advise you to click away now.
Watching a recent episode of My Love Story I got thinking about how realistic and down to earth the series is being. Sure there are most certainly a few things that are a little on the crazy side, but for the most part it’s doing better than Kiss Him, Not Mefor example.
Of course most of us read manga and watch anime and don’t really expect or want it to be down to earth and completely realistic, but in some ways I think it’s important to have a few series that break the trend of being completely sakura blossoms and overblown teenage feelings. Lets take a favourite series of mine, Say I Love You as a perfect example of what I’m going for here. The story is focused on shy Mei who has never really had any friends and certainly isn’t thinking of dating, but when she meets Yamato that slowly changes and the two of them must work through their problems, very real problems that couples have, if they wish to stay together. What makes this better is that the manga, given it has more time than the 13 episode anime, deals with a lot of problems that everyday kids go through at one point or another. I appricate the series a hell of a lot for this, especially author Kanae Hazuko who is heavily writing from her own personal experience.
One of the shows which was hyped up at the beginning of this season is Plastic Memories. The idea behind the series is that in a city in the near future humans and androids can live comfortable side-by-side. These androids look and act like humans, with human memory and emotions, the only drawback is that the androids only have a short lifespan before they begin to lose their human personality and their memories. It’s then the job of a Terminal Services to collect these androids just before the end of their lifespan to avoid any unfortunate accidents when they begin to lose their personalities and memories. The idea of humans and androids living side-by-side is an interesting one, but ultimately one that Plastic Memories wastes in the end. It’s worth noting that this article will include spoilers for Plastic Memories.
Today the 30 Day Manga challenge has finally, finally given me a simple question to answer! Today I have to decide on the manga character I’m most like which is really easy to answer!
Today is most certainly a tough question. I need to somehow figure out my favourite manga scene, which definitely isn’t easy. Nevertheless onwards we shall go as I attempt to figure it out!
Yeah so, I missed posting an entry yesterday but in my defence I was at a StreetPass meet all day and didn’t get home until fairly late. Normal daily service should resume for the foreseeable future now! For today’s challenge I have to pick my favourite mech manga. Problem is I don’t actually have one…
Another question today as I have to pick my favourite fighter manga which is something I don’t really read. How do you even define fighter manga? Is it just any old shonen? I’m thinking you’d probably define it as shonen (I hope anyway), so I’ve based my choices on that.
I find it fairly amusing that on Halloween I’m writing about the best manga villain for my 30 day manga challenge. Because I read a lot of shojo manga and there aren’t really any characters you could define as ‘villains’, my picks for today were pretty hard to come up with. I think I’ve made the right choices in the end though.