Final reading log of 2022! This time I can add in some fun stats and charts to see how my backlog and reading have been going this year. But first, let’s find out how much I read in December.

Final reading log of 2022! This time I can add in some fun stats and charts to see how my backlog and reading have been going this year. But first, let’s find out how much I read in December.
Almost Christmas time again aaaa. November has been a quieter month on the whole, so for once I feel like I’ve read more steadily than usual. Let’s get into what I’ve read!
After a reasonably quiet September, things got a bit nuts in October between work, flu jab, covid jab and then going to SLA. But hopefully, I’ve managed to keep the backlog under control somehow…
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
Out of the busy season and into a relatively calmer month. I feel like I read less this month than usual, perhaps because I was playing Soul Hackers 2 and Splatoon a lot instead… Let’s take a look at the breakdown!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
This month has continued to be busy at work, but despite that, some silly part of me agreed to a bet with a friend where I need to read 3 light novels from the backlog a month (not including my review materials) and somehow get my backlog overall down to 70. We’ll see where that stupid decision gets me! Let’s take a look at what I got read in August~
Into one of the hottest months of the year and busiest times at work, but hopefully despite all that I’ve made some progress on keeping that backlog down!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
Given the backlog went up last month, my bare minimum this month is to have reduced the count of that. Let’s see what happened.
Another month goes by, my backlog only grows and it feels like little progress is being made. But let’s find out if that’s true or not!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
Continue reading
I have no idea where four months of the year have gone already, although Easter did eat my life for like two weeks because of work being busy so I suppose that answers there. Anyways, let’s see what I read this month!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
No volume number = one shot
We made it through March! I quite like this month because the weather is improving (we’ll ignore the snow yesterday) and it’s my birth month, so I get spoiled by my family and friends. Which I suppose doesn’t help the backlog unless I’ve been reading things away… Let’s find out how I did!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
No volume number = one shot