The second reading log of the year! Also the shortest month so I feel like this is where I make the least progress with getting through the backlog. Let’s see how I did!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
No volume number = one shot
The second reading log of the year! Also the shortest month so I feel like this is where I make the least progress with getting through the backlog. Let’s see how I did!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
No volume number = one shot
It’s the first reading log of the year and after making some sizeable purchases this month, I’m hoping I’ve managed to read away some of my January sins. At the very least this gives me an interesting data point to draw from going forward since starting this year I will be noting down my backlog count as well as my reading/arrival counts month to month. This should make for some nifty charts come years end, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet!
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
No volume number = one shot
It’s 2022! A new year begins, but before I can worry about what kind of things I’ll be reading this year it’s time to find out what I read in December 2021 and how my reading stats compare to the previous year.
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
No volume number = one shot
This month I feel like I unexpectedly made a lot more progress on reading my backlog, so I’m hoping that’s actually reflected in the stats…
Bold = completed series
Italic = dropped
No volume number = one shot
This month has been crazy at work so I don’t feel like I’ve gotten a whole lot of reading done. Mixed with the fact I have more disposable income, I’ve probably bought way more books than I actually read (hopefully that’s not actually true hahaha….). Let’s see how August has gone!
July went by in a flash and now I’m writing a reading log yet again. I don’t feel like I got a lot done this month but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Let’s find out!
Last month I started project Attack on Backlog, but between spending a weekend reorganising my books and a delivery of new stuff to cover for AUKN, my efforts have somewhat fizzled out… Either way, let’s see what I read this month!
This month I started project Attack on Backlog, which I’m hoping will see me get through all the light novels I’ve been stockpiling over the last few months. I only started this toward the end of the month so I don’t think we’ll see the benefits just yet.
Second month of the year! Time is already going by quite fast, but I feel like I spent a bit more time playing games this month than I did reading. Let’s find out!
It’s the first reading log of a new year, so now I need to desperately try to remember to type 2021 while I slowly crumble under the sheer amount of reading I got done in the last month. Time to take a look!