Tag Archives: Manga

Kodansha USA Licenses Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches & Let’s Dance a Waltz

Yamada-kun first volume

Kodansha USA has announced at their Comic-Con panel yesterday that they’ve licensed two new manga series. The titles in question are Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches and Let’s Dance a Wiltz. 

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Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) – Manga Review

A silent Voice cover 1

Recently Crunchyroll updated their manga offerings with three brand new titles. One of the titles in question is Koe no Katachi which Crunchyroll translate as A Silent Voice. The series is on-going and Crunchyroll have added the first 29 chapters of the series with further chapters to be added as they’re released in Japan from the 8th of April. I sped through the current chapters and fell in love with the story very quickly, so I decided to throw a review together.

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Silver Spoon Season 1 – Anime review


The summer anime season might have been filled with a number of highly anticipated anime, but maybe none more so than Silver Spoon. The manga series is another hit series by Hiromu Arakawa, best known for Fullmetal Alchemist, but with that in mind can the anime do it justice?

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